AU庆祝装修和拉尔夫·H. 瓦格纳大厅

吉尔·威尔逊| 2022年9月23日

The southwest end of Augustana University’s campus is almost unrecognizable — both inside and out. 

于2021年春季宣布,作为12bet游戏平台战略计划的一部分 维京大胆号:2030之旅 -大学的住房计划侧重于新的和增强的设施已接近完成. The new south residential vill年龄 has taken shape with the completion of a new residence hall, A的改造.J. 伯格萨克大厅和建设一个新想象的校园绿色. Changes to Charles Orin Solberg Hall — in the midst of a major facelift — will put the finishing touches on the plan.

拉尔夫·H. 瓦格纳大厅和名字背后的前总统

外面的瓦格纳大厅由大苏福尔斯商会主办, 12bet游戏平台社区在周五的仪式上聚集在一起, 9月. 23日,庆祝拉尔夫·H·史密斯的剪彩和奉献. 瓦格纳大厅——以奥古斯塔第21任总统的名字命名.

When President Stephanie Herseth Sandlin informed Wagoner that his name was going to be on the building, 瓦格纳回忆, 我像个婴儿一样嚎啕大哭. 我不知道该怎么办.” 

Taking a few seconds to control his emotions and collect his thoughts, Wagoner said, “I’m honored. 无以言表,我很荣幸. 希望这是我应得的.”

“我们都成功了,瓦格纳说, 指的是在他担任总统期间与他共事的人, 从1993年到2000年. “Those people made a difference in my life; not just in the lives of students and their colleagues, 但他们改变了我的生活.”

拉尔夫和苏西·瓦格纳创造这个短语的人, “对维京人来说,这是伟大的一天,” said the 教师 and staff worked hard to break down walls and build bridges between Augustana and the Sioux Falls community. 


在瓦格纳的领导下, 西方研究中心主办了首届北京公共事务论坛, 12bet游戏平台建造了纳尔逊服务中心, dedicated the Madsen Social Science Center and the Old Gymnasium was renovated into the Edith Mortenson Center. 12bet游戏平台的五项共同核心价值观也是由一个学生委员会制定的, 教职员工,并在他任职期间得到董事会的批准.

“这让我感觉很好, 他们(教职员工)做这件事的方式,并把它们带到每个人面前,瓦格纳说. “可以说,他们(核心价值观)真的被写在了地图上. 和, I’m just so proud of those people, and so proud of the people that bought off on them.”

In 2009, Ralph and Susie also established The 拉尔夫和苏西·瓦格纳 Student-教师 Research Project Endowment Fund. 瓦格纳学生街, 连接莫里森公地和伊迪丝·摩顿森中心的通道, 是以前总统和第一夫人的名字命名的, 他是12bet游戏平台的顾问.

珠宝盒里的瓦格纳大厅厨房“我希望当人们想到'瓦格纳'时,他们会想到她(苏茜)的相关性. 她总是和我在一起,”瓦格纳谈到他结婚60年的妻子时说. “She saved a number of kids she worked with in the Wellness Center, along with her colleagues.”

瓦格纳一家从他们在阿巴拉契科拉的家出发, 佛罗里达, to get a first-hand look at the new facility that bears his name — a facility that incorporates both living and learning environments with opportunities to innovate, 建立社区,促进共融.

The L-shaped residence hall — located north of Bergsaker and east of Solberg Halls — stands 3-stories tall with room for up to 208 beds.

在前门里面, the entire Augustana community has access to a lounge area with natural light flowing in through a wall of windows. 就在前面几步, 在左边, 又是一堵Windows墙吗, 其中包括建筑的主要特征-被称为“珠宝盒”.“珠宝盒是一个为学生提供综合技术的多用途空间, 教师, 工作人员和社区成员主持会议, 大小班级, 还有带视频录制功能的烹饪演示.

走过珠宝盒, 是浴室, 自动售货机, 更多的休息室和学习区域, 厅长的公寓和办公室, 为奥古斯塔的常驻顾问提供会议场所, 他们被称为非盟的维京顾问, 还有一间为看守人员准备的休息室. 一楼还应学生的要求设有冥想室.

瓦格纳宿舍Beyond all of this is a secure entrance; only students living in 瓦格纳大厅 have access to the elevator and living spaces on the first, 二楼和三楼.

作为住房研究的一部分,听取学生的意见, Augustana got away from the more traditional-style housing that the university offers in other residence halls — incorporating semi-suites into the design. 除了符合ada标准的房间和VAs的单间, 大多数公寓有四张床, 一个公用浴室和自己的供暖和制冷设备. 除了他们的生活单位, 在每一层, 学生还可以使用更多的私人休息室和学习区域.

“半套间式的生活方式现在很流行. 这是一方面,但同时,我们也在成长. 如果我们真的加倍努力把我们的关键任务变成一个住宿校园, 我们必须言行一致. 住在校园里的学生宿舍很方便, 也是整个大学生活的一部分,学生处主任马克·布莱克本说.

和, many of these rooms have a spectacular view of the south residential vill年龄’s new courtyard, 其中包括一个校内沙滩排球场和一个吊床空间.

解析:选A.J. Bergsaker和Charles Orin Solberg Halls

当时瓦格纳大厦正在建造, one of Augustana’s existing residence halls was offline — undergoing a massive renovation.

伯格萨克大厅的AU墙最容易被公众看到, 沿着33街, Bergsaker大厅取消了阳台,取而代之的是四层楼高的窗户. 从路人的角度看,这是校园,因为墙上装饰着非盟的品牌, 透过窗户可以看到哪些, 尤其是在晚上. 和, 2023年秋天, those windows will provide students one of the most spectacular views on campus — a view of Midco Arena, 维京男子曲棍球的主场.

在里面,Bergsaker没有多少东西是原封不动的. 大厅经过重新配置,但仍然容纳了与以前相同数量的床位——总共240张. 每层的浴室也进行了重新配置和更新. The lobby received fresh new finishes and includes a kitchen, lounge area and laundry nearby. Moving in and out of the hall is substantially easier now that an elevator has been installed, 改善可达性和阁楼更容易调整.


“经过升级后,它看起来就像一座完全不同的建筑. 它看起来很现代, 超级好,” said Liz of the place she lived in her first year at the university; the same hall that her father, 斯科特·福森,88年, 30多年前作为住宿顾问住在这里.

和, it didn’t take long for the Mitchell, South Dakota, native to discover her favorite part.

“洗衣房,”这位通讯与国际研究双学位的学生说. “It’s such an essential part of college life — just getting a larger number of washers and dryers for students to use — that’ll be a huge step for the community that’s living there now.”

Bergsaker大厅内部12bet游戏平台在伯格萨克保留了更传统的风格, 浴室与生活单元分开. Each room now has its own heating and cooling systems and each floor has lounges and spaces for studying with integrated technology in them.

最后翻修的是索尔伯格大厅(Solberg Hall),它最初于1955年开放. The hall is offline and receiving much of the same treatment as Bergsaker Hall — set to open in Fall 2023.

As an Augustana cultural exchange (ACE) ambassador to international students and a student ambassador for the Office of 入学, 福苏姆迫不及待地想向未来的学生展示12bet中文官方平台提供的东西.

“I feel like most students come here because they feel the community on campus and that personal support,福苏姆说. “但从长远来看,对于一个在两个地方之间做出选择的学生来说,这只是一个额外的奖励.”


Augustana is also making improvements to the east of the south residential vill年龄 with a reimagined campus green — set to be complete in Fall 2023.

校园绿化效果图“绿色,位于校园中心, 正在进行翻新,包括一个100码的带灯的足球场, 设有充电站的座位区, 一个额外的室外教室,有圆形剧场式的座位和水景.

翻新后的绿地也为校内运动提供了指定的空间, 比如国旗橄榄球, 飞盘高尔夫, 垒球和扣球.

“我们的校内项目和体育俱乐部多年来一直没有户外活动空间, so we are very excited to see the field in the campus green be part of the renovation project,康乐(娱乐)服务总监马克·赫克特说. “这个空间对我们的国旗橄榄球项目和体育俱乐部来说同样令人兴奋, 更令人兴奋的是,这个区域将会有灯光.”

瓦格纳大厅校园绿地An outdoor classroom on the south end of the green will be Augustana’s second — the first was built in 2019, 位于马德森中心附近. 从那以后,原版的教室启发了当地学区建造类似的教室.

“I’m a big fan of ‘influencing the influencer’ because that’s when change happens,布莱克本说. “它还关乎可持续性和灵活性. 如果教师想利用户外教室, 但是麦德森中心旁边的那个已经满了, 这是另一个空间.”

防止水浸, a retention pond on campus was relocated closer to Bergsaker Hall 沿着33街 and includes a water feature. The sidewalks that run alongside and between the green and academic buildings were also reconstructed. 

改造后的绿地正在接受草皮, 所以要等到春天才能使用, 因为根系需要时间来发育. 


“Just to see the smiles on students’ faces as they gather with one another and share ideas, and they’ll have a larger space for special events and activities — that’s what I’m most excited for,布莱克本说.

“It just shows that they (the administration) listened to the student body when they were talking about what we needed here on campus. 这是巨大的,只是知道我们的声音被听到了。. “他们在为我们的学生和未来投资."
